Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullah ”A letter to my younger self and 10-years-later self” Hi Guys ... This time I'll post a blog with a different title. here I'll write the past with the future. First, I will write and tell past first. my past is very flat. nothing special. My past had more time is spent at school and at home. at the time of going to college. I was confused to choose subject. So, I got into the Computer Systems department of faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Tanjongpura University. The course is quite distressing. My hope for the future can be graduated at the top and can boast beloved parents and family nearby. Later, a letter to 10 years to come, I hope to be the best person and can be useful for many people. And my hope that others are able to raise the Hajj parents, Aamiin.After that I could realize my ideals are not I know it. It was the last letter of my past and 10 years to come. See you again next week. Wassalamu’alaikum Warahma...
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2016
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Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullah “Karaoke Song Choice” hi ... hi ... hi ... back again with my beloved blog. T his week I'll post a blog titled "karaoke S ong Choice ". B efore I share and tell my blog this week. I honestly do not really like karaoke. B ut there is one song that I like to sing and the song, entitled " Pemuja Rahasia " sung by Sheila on 7. I really like the song. C atchy song. T he song Cult This secret pop genre, so it suitable for listening to all ages, the song is about a man who has long been in love, but he did not dare to reveal her. S ong" Pemuja Rahasis ", a song that is very deep, which is describe a guy who is afraid to express his feelings to the girl. I was also a devotee of confidential at the time of high scghool. I n the song, the guy tried to approach the girl in various ways. Let forever be a devotee, and this is the form of loyalty and love guy to the girl. The sacrifice is very real, but sometimes the girl...
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Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh “My Favorite Place” this week I'll post a blog entitled "My favorite place". first of all I really like the theme of week six, because I can share and tell you about my favorite place I've ever visited. My favorite place is the beach Tanjung Bajau in singkawang. the place is very amazing and wonderful. there we can relieve stress after work or school. in Tanjung Bajau there are also rides that can make us scream. very pleasant to be there for a full day. Tanjung Bajau is a tourist spot that just opened to the public. Tanjung Bajau or so-called “Rindu Alam” is located in Singkawang. Rindu Alam is just 18 km from Pasir Panjang travel and Palm Beach, the natural attractions that are already very well known in West Kalimantan. It was located between Mount Bajau, mountain town and Mount Coatings. Natural longing located at an altitude of about 400m above sea level. That was Tanjung Bajau beach profile. after the second pla...