An-Nawawi Asy-Syafi’i rahimahullahu Ta’ala berkata, اعلم أنه لكلّ مكلّف أن يحفظَ لسانَه عن جميع الكلام إلا كلاماً تظهرُ المصلحة فيه، ومتى استوى الكلامُ وتركُه في المصلحة، فالسنّة الإِمساك عنه، لأنه قد ينجرّ الكلام المباح إلى حرام أو مكروه، بل هذا كثير أو غالب في العادة، والسلامة لا يعدلُها شيء “Ketahuilah bahwa hendaknya setiap mukallaf menjaga lisannya dari seluruh perkataan, kecuali perkataan yang memang tampak ada maslahat di dalamnya. Ketika sama saja nilai maslahat antara berbicara atau diam, maka yang dianjurkan adalah tidak berbicara (diam). Hal ini karena perkataan yang mubah bisa menyeret kepada perkataan yang haram, atau minimal (menyeret kepada perkataan) yang makruh. Bahkan inilah yang banyak terjadi, atau mayoritas keadaan demikian. Sedangkan keselamatan itu tidaklah ternilai harganya.” ( Al-Adzkaar, hal. 284) Simak selengkapnya disini. Klik Menjaga Lisan di Era Media Sosial Source: htt...
konsep Al-Islam dalam Al-Qur'an
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KONSEP AL-ISLAM DALAM AL-QUR’AN Misbahuddin Jamal STAIN Manado ( Abstrak Sebagai agama wahyu, Islam memiliki seperangkat ajaran yang terkandung didalamnya berupa ajaran tauhid atau keesaan Tuhan, sistem keyakinan lainnya dan ketentuan-ketentuan yang mengatur semua kehidupan manusia. Allah SWT menyatakan bahwa Islam merupakan agama yang diridhai-Nya, orang-orang yang meyakininya akan mendapatkan keselamatan di akhirat kelak dan sebaliknya yang mengingkarinya akan tergolong orang yang merugi. Secara bahasa makna-makna Islam antara lain: Al istislam (berserah diri), As salamah (suci bersih), As Salam (selamat dan sejahtera), As Silmu (perdamaian), dan Sullam (tangga, bertahap, atau taddaruj). Al-Quran menyatakan semua agama yang diturunkan kepada para Nabi dan Rasul sebelum Muhammad pun pada hakikatnya adalah agama Islam. Manifestasinya yang beraneka ragam, namun inti dari semua itu adalah pengabdian kepada Wujud Yang Satu, yaitu Tuhan. As...
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Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullah “Things to do When Visiting the Singkawang City” Hi...hi...hi, Welcome back to my Blog. This week I'll post a blog entitled "Your top Recommendations for things to do in your town". What you're ready to view the content of my blog this week? I grew up and was born in Singkawang. Singkawang city is a city whose majority are Chinese. There are also plenty of tours that you can visit. For those of you who want to visit the Singkawang City, I will tell the tourist spots in the Singkawang City. First, Singkawang town has a beautiful beach and awesome. precisely, it is a Beach "Pasir Panjang". Besides the beach, There is also a beautiful natural landscape in the Singkawang City, His name is the beach "Tanjung Bajau". And in town there is also the smallest Island Singkawang which is recognized by the United Nations, The name of the Island "Simping". Island "Simping...
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Resume 103.4 FM Volare FM Section one, an idiom is a group or words which have difference meaning when used together from the one they would have if you look the meaning of each word separately. Example : - john's wife jenny can read him like a book she know when something trouble him and everybody knows that without her john is lost. Example: - George and i had been friend for a long time even tough that that he not comment i could read his mind he was uncomfortable and want to live the party early . - you bored aren't you , i can read you like a book - you can't hide any thing from me , i can read you like a book. Section two, about Idiom. In this section I'm listen about idiom that has word like ; Blood sweat and tears has meaning when been gather up , full sacrifice and fight or hard...
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Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullah... It’s My Last Meal on Earth – I Choose? Hi friends, back together in the beloved blog. This week I will post a blog titled "It's My Last Meal on Earth- I Choose". This week's theme is quite interesting, because talking about the food. I also love the food. My last meal on earth is "Kobe Beef". No one knows with food "Kobe Beef". I've also never heard of it. But after my searching on the internet. Kobe Beef is one of the foods which are quite rare. so I want to eat Kobe Beef. It was my last meal on earth. Kobe Beef is the meat taken from cows given the type tajima organic foods each day. in addition to organic food, at a certain time (especially summer), so that the usual beef fat like to gather in one place, if this could be evenly throughout. In addition, there is also a pemijitan treatment (massage) for this cow every day, in order to soften the muscles. Brushing fur cow is done using sake, he does a...
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Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullah ”A letter to my younger self and 10-years-later self” Hi Guys ... This time I'll post a blog with a different title. here I'll write the past with the future. First, I will write and tell past first. my past is very flat. nothing special. My past had more time is spent at school and at home. at the time of going to college. I was confused to choose subject. So, I got into the Computer Systems department of faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Tanjongpura University. The course is quite distressing. My hope for the future can be graduated at the top and can boast beloved parents and family nearby. Later, a letter to 10 years to come, I hope to be the best person and can be useful for many people. And my hope that others are able to raise the Hajj parents, Aamiin.After that I could realize my ideals are not I know it. It was the last letter of my past and 10 years to come. See you again next week. Wassalamu’alaikum Warahma...